Wednesday, June 28, 2006


I had my worst session so far in the cash games today. I played for 3 hours and was down $400. It's funny that this session really hurt me the most more then any session I have even played. And in the past I have had loosing session of $1500, and I had less money then I do now. I think it's kind of a reflection of how my poker game is becoming more "mature".

The session was really sick. I played for 3 hours which is about 1400 hands 8 tabling, and the biggest pot I won was $40. That really is sick. I couldn't win a pot. It was so frustrating. It was truly amazing how many huge hands I had to lay down. I played a second session later tonight and right off the bat was down about $200. Once again just getting smoked over and over again. Set up all day long, and had to fold so many huge hands again. Finally, after a while, I started to hit a few hands, and won a couple of nice pots. I ended this session up $81 after 5 hours, which is a bad rate, but good for the confidence, and a good comeback. I also played in a $3 rebuy satellite for the Sunday tourney. Paying the top 8 out of about 400. I made it, really grinding it out as I was in last place from 135 left all the way to 35 left. Man those players are bad though. I think I'm going to try and play those every night and just use the tournament $$ to play Stt's. So later on today when I get up, I'm going to play some $30 stt's with the tourney $$ that I won. Hopefully I will profit a good amount and I will be back to where I was 3 days ago when I started .50/1, after having just about as bad a run as I hope I will have to face. So anyway although it has been a tough couple of days, I am still motivated to do well which isn't always easy after having a bad run, especially when you just move up stakes.

So anyway here are some hands from today: - Well played AA. I never really re raise AA pree flop but though I would switch it up this time. Had a feeling that everyone else would call and I just wanted to see the flop heads up. For some reason when you play a short stack and check the flop they never ever think you have a hand. This is a good flop for me as either he has a 2 outer of he is probably drawing dead. I check behind with a little gamble because he's not folding a pair anyway so I might as well get his chips if he has AK. - Badly played AA. My thinking pree flop is that he either has KK QQ or JJ. By just flat calling I get all his chips if the flop comes low, and I minimize the pot if a K, J or Q comes. As it turns out I played the hand badly because I gave him the chance to catch up, and if I had raise big pree flop there is a good chance that we would have been all in. - This is basically what has happened all day long. He gives me odds to call for a boat but I'm pretty sure he has the straight. - Couldn't hit a draw to save my life at this point. - All day long - Basically 90% of the hands I played today went like this. - Nice call - What can I do - So frustrating. Every time I make a hand I have to fold. I had a bad feeling about this hand after he called the turn, so I made a blocking bet on the river. I can't see me being good here so I let it go. - Same old. - Lost min here again. You really have to careful about betting the river at this level. Even when the turn is checked. - It's hard to extract max. Value on the river because I am always worried about getting raised.

Sorry if this was hard to read. It's now 9:22am and I haven't gone to bed yet so I'm a little out of it. I will be back later on tonight hopefully with some good results from stt's........


At 2:01 PM, Blogger Bill Sparks said...

I like that your keeping pots small and not getting out of line with your hands. But have you thought that maybe in some spots you are playing a little too passive and allowing your opponents to catch up? I guess when you are 8-tabling you can afford to wait for the nuts and just concentrate on stack perservation until you hit the unbeatable hand. Do you find this style of play to be more profitable in the long term?

At 4:04 AM, Blogger fishbones11 said...

It's funny that you ask that actually because Kristen and I were just talking about this yesterday. I was saying that I'm not really sure if this is the best way to play hands. The problem is that you open yourself up to getting rivered a lot, in situations where being aggressive would have saved a lot of money. I am kind of torn right now because I'm not really sure what the best style is. In the past I played completely different then this style and it worked well. I do like this style of minimizing the pots with hands that I don't feel so sure about, and I think my results on line are much better then in the past. I can't really give you an answer that I'm sure is correct about which style is more profitable. One thing I can say is that the thing about 8 tables is that you have no read on the player, it's just about instincts, so a lot of the time when I am trying to keep the pot small it is because I have a "bad feeling" about a hand. You would be surprised how many times they are actually bang on. If I had to say, I think this style is more profitable in the long run, but I can't say for sure. It has worked well so far, but I don't think I have played long enough to know.

Glad to see you read the blog, didn't know you did. I would definitely like to talk more about this another time, as I find this a very interesting.



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